viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008


You have the right to be constitutionally respected, and you have the rights constitution gives you. Constitution gives you the right to speak out loud about your feelings and thoughts as far as those aren’t against others constitutional rights or the constitution itself. Also, he has the duty to respect your constitutional rights, and at the same time he has the right to see his constitutional rights respected. Constitution tells you what to do and what not. Don’t have to worry anymore because, constitutionally, you don’t have the right to be concerned about it, as eternal wisdom of constitution does not give you the benefit of doubting it. You have the duty to respect others people rights, as this is the essence of the constitutional dogma. Don’t go against it, because if you do you’re going against society, it’s sacred principles of rights and duties, and in the end, against your very self. This, is because constitution emanates from the sacred human spirit which dictates pure laws about what it’s wrong or what it’s bad. And above all, helps the poor ignorant to be able to tell fair from unfair. The eternal value of justice in capitals, idea that comes to us as an universal truth that we got from God himself, which illuminates our way with his eternal wisdom.
Let’s celebrate then that we have been clever enough to catch this holy thought and have been able to translate it into words and then into a sacred law to rule our lives and to tell everybody what to do. God bless our constitution, full with human pride, full with rules, rights, duties. Our solely and fundamental law, well above the king and queen, settled on the top of a mountain reflecting Gods sacred light and illuminating all the fellows countryman with it’s wisdom, equity and fairness. A guide in the dark for the one that was lost. A rule book for disrespectful man and terrorist of the freedom, for the ones that are against constitution are constitutionally out of it, and therefore they are to be prosecuted, judged with severe law and receive a full penalty for their antisocial behaviour. Constitution respects freedom as nothing or nobody has before, so we owe the maximum respect to it, and never ever, under any circumstances there’s going to be not a word against it. On the contrary, there will only be compliments and a day a year, which will be national holiday, to celebrate the day in which the heroes of the country had courage enough to bring to us this holy book. Let then all the people enjoy this day, so they will never forget what their duties and rights are. Especially their rights, which are basically the right to be respected, but also the right to respect others, and whenever a problem would be raised and a conflict among citizens about the limit of their rights, WE, holy and sacred jurists will impose our point of view and we shall not care about nothing, as we have been enlightened by the constitution and others not.
So, over here, now. Everybody has to come and celebrate together this glorious day, that a year more proves to be the appropriate way to gather all the citizens and for one day let them take a look at the great and wonderful book of law we wrote to protect the poor, to give freedom to the helpless, to give access to everybody to fair trials, to equal all man from the bigger to the smaller, and to, single handed , as we have God backing us, punish without compassion the ones that think the book is unfair or that doesn’t represent themselves, because that is a terrible lie. A disrespectful lie because every aspect of the human fairness and kindness and rightfulness is on the book. So let’s made them change their confused and tiranic ideas or erase them from the earth, as they are not worthy human beings.

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